January 16, 2025
New year, new session… and a new responsibility
 Your 25th District legislative delegation: Senator Chris Gildon, Rep. Cyndy Jacobsen and Rep. Michael Keaton.
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Let me begin by wishing you a belated Happy New Year! This is my first legislative update in a number of months as I was subject to a communications “freeze” during the campaign season. Over the next few months, I will send a weekly update about what’s happening in Olympia. If you prefer not to get this report, there’s an unsubscribe option below. I hope you’ll find value in these concise reports, and I promise to respect your inbox by providing focused, meaningful information.
Legislative Session Overview
This year’s session began on Monday and will last 105 days. While the Legislature will consider numerous policy items, our primary focus will be adopting a new state operating budget, capital budget, and transportation budget for the next two years.
My New Role and Priorities
I’ve been appointed by my colleagues to serve as the ranking Republican member on the Ways and Means Committee this year. This is an enormous responsibility as this committee develops the capital and operating budgets in addition to addressing tax policy.
My goal as Republican budget leader is to produce an operating budget that is responsive to the needs of our district and that funds our shared priorities in an efficient and effective manner while ensuring accountability and transparency in all aspects.
Specifically, I will support policies that increase public safety, enable affordability, and provide for the health, safety and education of our children.

In my new position as Senate Republican budget leader, I sat down with my Democratic counterpart for an interview on the TVW network’s long-running “Inside Olympia” program. Click here to view it.
Senate Page Program Opportunity
Imagine spending a week at our state Capitol, getting a firsthand lesson in civics – while connecting with teens from across Washington, and earning a paycheck!
The Senate page program offers youths ages 14 to 16 just such an opportunity while legislators are in session. Pages carry messages between legislative offices, spend time in the Senate chamber (the “floor”), and learn about the legislative process in a special page school.
Our office can sponsor several pages during the 2025 session, and we’re actively seeking applicants. For more information, click here.
Your Input Matters
I am committed to representing your interests effectively and I welcome your feedback and suggestions. You may contact me at:
It is an honor serving you and I look forward to your continued engagement and support! |