Rep. Gildon discusses the highs and lows of the proposed 2020 supplemental budgets
The House and Senate introduced their 2020 supplemental budgets this week and laid out how they plan to use the state’s projected $2.4 billion revenue surplus. Rep. Chris Gildon, R-Puyallup, highlights some of the good and bad of the proposed budgets and shares some things the Republicans would do differently.
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Rep Chris Gildon talks about some of the road work taking place in Puyallup that will help reduce congestion
Rep. Chris Gildon, R-Puyallup, 25th District shares some of the positive road construction efforts going on in the Puyallup area to help ease traffic congestion and encourage economic development.
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25th District Reps. Kelly Chambers and Chris Gildon co-sponsor House Republican tax relief plan
With last week’s state revenue forecast revealing a $2.4 billion budget surplus, House Republican budget lead, Rep. Drew Stokesbary, introduced a bill that would provide $1 billion in tax relief for Washington’s working families. Twenty-fifth District Reps. Kelly Chambers and Chris Gildon joined every member of the House Republican Caucus in...
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Come meet with us in the 25th District this weekend. Details below.
Can you believe the 2020 session is already more than halfway finished? We only have three weeks left to get bills through both chambers and to the governor’s desk. Wednesday is the last day to consider bills in their house of origin. Each bill has to pass through both the...
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House unanimously passes Rep. Gildon’s prescription medication bill
A bill from Rep. Chris Gildon that would limit the maximum amount a person would pay for prescription medication at the point of sale was unanimously approved by the House today. “I’ve spoken with so many people who are struggling to make ends meet, and a big driver of that...
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Rep. Chris Gildon talks about incentivizing businesses to help fund college scholarships
Last year, the majority party in all three branches of our government passed a package of last-minute bills that created $2.1 billion dollars more in taxes. One of those bills was House Bill 2158, which imposed the business and occupation (B&O) tax surcharge on certain businesses to pay for higher...
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Amendment to exclude veteran owned businesses from B&O tax increase is rejected
Senate Bill 6492 passed the Senate and the House last week and will now be signed into law. Numerous republicans introduced amendments to the bill during floor debate, including Rep. Chris Gildon, R-Puyallup. Gildon introduced two amendments, including 1071, which would have exempted any business owned by a veteran from...
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Survey results are in!
We’re now four weeks into the 2020 legislative session. Friday will be policy cut-off, which means lawmakers have been busy introducing, hearing, and passing legislation. To date, we’ve seen nearly 1,400 new bills introduced in the House and Senate. Before we get into some of the policies and issues, we...
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Rep. Gildon’s bill to hold prosecutors accountable passes unanimously out of committee
The House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee unanimously voted to advance Rep. Chris Gildon’s House Bill 2465 Wednesday. Gildon, R-Puyallup, introduced the bill as a means of increasing transparency for elected prosecutors. “As an elected official, you can visit my website and see exactly how I’ve voted on every bill...
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