Click here or on the image to view this week’s report from the legislative session.
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
While Republicans are busy compiling a list of proposals for eliminating wasteful government spending — more on that next — some in Olympia are considering an increase in the tax paid by Washington businesses. As I explain in the video linked above, it’s the consumers across our state who would ultimately be hit by such a tax hike. I hope you can take a few minutes to view it!
Targeting wasteful spending
This morning the Senate Health and Long-Term Care Committee endorsed my bill about reducing “improper medicaid concurrent enrollment payments.” That’s the official title of Senate Bill 5258; in plain English, this bipartisan legislation would stop making Washington taxpayers pay Medicaid premiums for people who no longer live in our state.
It’s not clear whether the lax management by the agencies that oversee Medicaid services in our state has been wasting tens of millions or hundreds of millions, but the reforms in SB 5258 are long overdue. The bill’s next stop is our Senate Ways and Means Committee.
Reduce state payouts
Also, my video report from Jan. 24 explained the bill I’ve introduced to reduce the costly explosion in “tort” cases that result in big payouts — more than $500 million in just the past two years. Yesterday The Seattle Times published an in-depth report on the issue and our proposed solution, Senate Bill 5144.
Check it out online: $ave Washington!
Check our $ave Washington webpage for more cost-saving ideas like these. No one should be talking about raising taxes when agencies are doing a poor job of managing and protecting the dollars already allocated to them.
 The state Capitol grounds were free of snow today, so our 25th District delegation was able to step outside of the Legislative Building (the Capitol dome) for this photo with a group of visiting Pierce County fire chiefs.
Your Input Matters
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It is an honor serving you and I look forward to your continued engagement and support! |